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Quick thought on what was the last straw of inspiration for me to write this:
ALBERT PUJOLS WILL NEVER BE A YANKEE… or a Met. His family moved to NY when they first came to the states to join the big Dominican community. But they were used to small-town life. I'm pretty sure they were living in a rough part of NY, the Bronx I think. They didn't like the crime and cost of living. As a child, Albert saw someone get shot, and I've even heard a story that his uncle got mugged which I can seem to find record of right now. But after a few years, they left town for Independence, MO.
It's why I think Albert to NY will not happen. Great city. Not for Albert. He wouldn't like media scrutiny either. The Angels and maybe the Dodgers? They'd have a shot. Boston? Possibly. The White Sox? It could happen. But I think he likes it where he is per his statements of wanting to be a Cardinal for life. Stop rumor mongering Chicago and East Cost scribes.
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